I received these two shooting drills in an email from Dennis Hutter, Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Mayville State University. His website, www.coachhutter.com . The website has more shooting, individual development workout, and leadership videos.
The remainder of the post contains what Coach Hutter said about the drills:
Here are a two more perimeter shooting drills for your player’s summer skill development. Both of these drills are competitive shooting drills. We love to add competition to all of our shooting drills to try and create as much “game pressure” and “game pace” as we possibly can. We add competition to our shooting drills by adding either time and score or both. By just adding time, score or both to a shooting drill, you can add competition to the drill and also increase their pace during the drill. Another thing that we do all summer is we chart all of the shots for all of our players during all of their summer workouts, and hang their scores in our locker room. We feel that by charting their shots the player is able to see their progress, and when they see their progress their motivation to get in the gym and workout will increase. I hope you enjoy the drills. As usual, please feel free to contact our Women’s Basketball Office if we can ever help with anything. Here are both drills:
Both of these videos are You Tube videos, so please be sure to be on a server that allows you to access You Tube.
John Beilein 50 in 5 Minutes Drill
We got this drill from the John Beilein at the University of Michigan. This is a five minute continuous drill. This is a great drill to work on conditioning as well as to get your players to shoot shots while they are fatigued. The drill is executed in four shot segments, and the player will use the entire floor. The player will shoot four shots from a spot, and then move to the next spot. At each spot, the shooter will shoot three 3 Point Shots followed by one stop and pop jumper off the dribble. After the stop and pop shot off the dribble the shooter will move to another spot and execute the same four shot sequence. The shooter can move to wherever they want on the floor, when moving from spot to spot. There is no pattern. The goal is to make 50 total shots in five minutes.
Click the play arrow to start the video
Make 10 Shots in 75 Seconds
This drill is a GREAT drill to use at the beginning of a workout as a warm up or a “heat up” to the rest of the workout. This drill is great to get the player to elevate their heart rate as well as get them to work out as a game pace. The object of the drill is to have the shooter make 10 shots in 75 seconds. Because of the way we play, and the fact we shoot quite a few three point shots, we have our players shoot all three’s for this drill. You can have your players shoot game shots that are relevant to their games to get the most out of this drill.
Click the play arrow to start the video