It is nearly time to prepare yourself for your upcoming college or high school season, if you haven’t begun that hard work already. TGK is offering a great opportunity to improve your speed, agility, quickness, ball handling, shooting, scoring and general basketball awareness through a unique summer opportunity. These are the details:
– Training from 4 former college basketball players, two of which currently play professionally overseas
– Each training session begins with a hour devoted to speed, agility, quickness, vertical, and strength with Parisi Speed school
– One hour two times per week of skill work
– Training sessions are offered in the morning and evening so each athlete can choose the session that best meets his/her needs
– Opportunities after each training session to remain at the facility for pick up games where you can immediately apply new and/or improved skills

Tuesday and Thursday training sessions (Can come to either)
Session 1: 9:00 – 11:00
Session 2: 5:30 – 7:30

In addition, as part of the summer package, Ganon Baker will be at the TGK facility on Friday, May 26th and Saturday, May 27th for 10 hours of training with all of you. The cost for this is included in the summer program deal. If you are unfamiliar with Ganon, I encourage you to watch his videos posted on the College Grind site and on the web. He has worked with some of the most prominent NBA players from around the world.

After working with the older athletes on Friday and Saturday, Ganon will be working with 100 or so younger athletes for 3 hours. It would be great for the older kids to stay and support Ganon’s training.

We understand that we have provided a lot of information in the above description but being that it is April, We wanted to secure places for all of you who want to best prepare yourself for your upcoming season.

The most fabulous part to all of this is the cost per athlete. For the training sessions beginning in mid-May through August and the 10 hours with Ganon, the cost is a grand total of $450

College Grind Lab Registration

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TGK Athletics College Grind Labs