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This drill is a good “gut-buster” to use at the end of a shooting workout. It is physically demanding. It also forces players to shoot under the pressure of making three in a row. Having to make consecutive shots to complete a drill is one of the best ways to put mental pressure on a shooter.
Matthew Graves is the Head Men’s Coach at South Alabama. He was an Assistant to Brad Stevens and a player at Butler prior to taking the job at South Alabama. Coach Graves was the top assistant for both Championship game runs that Butler made in 2010 and 2011.
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Click the play arrow so see the drill. The drill is a You Tube video, so you will need to be able to access You Tube to see the drill.
Basketball Drills Nuggets Fatigue Shooting Drill
Depending on the needs of your program, you could shoot closer shots or require only two consecutive makes then build up to three consecutive made three point shots.
Note: At the end of the video, Coach Graves says that the goal is to complete the drill in 30 minutes. What he meant to say (and did say at the start of the video) is the goal is to complete it by shooting less than 30 shots.