Here are a couple of shooting drills that I hope will spark some thinking on improvements you can incorporate into your shooting drills. I like to have enough drills to offer a variety to hopefully keep players from getting to the point where they start going through the motions from running the same drills day after day. Maybe you could save one for the end of the season.

Take the things you like and leave out anything that you don’t if you want to run similar drills in your practices.

The videos are among the basketball training videos for all levels of coaches, players, and parents that is offered by BasketballHQ. You can access their entire library with a pro membership. They offer a free 7 day trial for the the membership. If you are interested, you can see more at this link: Basketball HQ

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Basketball Drills Around the Horn Shooting

This drill forces the player to remain ready to shoot the ball because they don’t know when it is coming to them. Even though there is only one shooter in the drill, I believe that you could make this a team drill with at least a couple of players shooting at a basket at a time.

It gives you an opportunity to teach footwork the way you want it taught and is a way to work on shooting when fatigued.

The shooter starts in the corner, and the passer/rebounder is stationed in the lane. When the drill starts the shooter moves around the arc until the passer throws them the ball. The pass can be made at any time.

After the shot is taken the shooter return to the corner where they started and go again.

Basketball Drills “Baseball” Shooting

You might not want to use this exact same scoring system, but hopefully it gives you an idea to find a way to structure a drill that scores in a slightly different way.

Set 9 spots around the 3 point arc for the nine “innings”. The shooter gets three outs (shots missed) per inning just like baseball. Once you have three outs, you move on to the next inning (spot).

If the shooter makes a shot, but hits the rim, they get a single. A swish is a homerun. The object is to score as many “runs” as possible using those rules. The video has an example and more details on scoring. Once the players shoots nine innings, the drill is over.

The videos are among the basketball training videos for all levels of coaches, players, and parents that is offered by BasketballHQ. You can access their entire library with a pro membership. They offer a free 7 day trial for the the membership. If you are interested, you can see more at this link: Basketball HQ

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