Basketball Drills Fatigue Shooting

Basketball Drills Fatigue Shooting

This video is one of the great resources available from basketballhq. They have several more videos as well as basketball coaching resource articles. This drill is a good “gut-buster” to use at the end of a shooting workout. It is physically demanding. It also forces...
Conversion Catch Up Drills

Conversion Catch Up Drills

This drill was posted on the FastModel Sports Basketball Plays and Drills Library. You can also find out more about FastModel Play Diagramming software by clicking this link: FastDraw Diagrams created with FastDraw The site has thousands of drills and plays that have...
Basketball Drills: Agility Shooting

Basketball Drills: Agility Shooting

You can use these drills to add some footwork and agility to your summer shooting workouts. They are from Basketball Performance Coach Alan Stein of Pure Sweat Basketball. He also puts out a lot of great content on Twitter: @alanstein Or, to make them fit your system,...
Balance Shooting Drills

Balance Shooting Drills

These four shooting drills are used by former DeMatha Catholic High School Basketball Performance Coach Alan Stein to develop balance in There is no arguing that developing better balance while shooting will develop better shooters. You might not like the fact that...