Basketball Defensive Conversion Concepts

Basketball Defensive Conversion Concepts

Here are some ideas and drills that I have picked up from various sources and used to build our conversion defense. One of the sources I have used for this post is from this week’s eBook bundle. Jimmie Oakman’s Packline Defense is bundled with Trey Watt’s Swing...
Basketball Drills Transition Skill Drills

Basketball Drills Transition Skill Drills

Today’s post is more drills from a collection put together by Nate Hill, Assistant Boys Coach at Colonel Crawford High School in North Robinson Ohio. These drills are transition finishing and defending drills. He has coached for 18 years from 7th grade through Varsity...
Roy Williams on Transition Offense

Roy Williams on Transition Offense

These notes on the Carolina Transition Offense came from Creighton Burns’ newsletter who found it on the Xs and Os of basketball. Idea is to play 94 feet of offense. Why? Unlike the perception that running teams play without discipline, you as the coach has control if...
Basketball Drills Transition

Basketball Drills Transition

I found this drill on FastModel Sports Basketball Plays and Drills Library. They have several pages with drills and plays posted by high school and college coaches. The site has thousands of drills and plays that have been submitted by basketball coaches from around...