Team Free Throw Shooting Game

Team Free Throw Shooting Game

Mike Neighbors, Women’s Coach at Arkansas (Previously at Washington) is one of the best coaches around to learn from.  Hopefully you were able to see his 2016 Women’s Final Four team play, or see him at a clinic, or both. He sends out a weekly basketball coaching...
100 Point Shooting Drill

100 Point Shooting Drill

This video is from the great resources available from basketballhq. They have several more videos as well as basketball coaching resource articles. The Coach in the video is Brian Baudinet, formerly an assistant coach with the NBA D-League Tulsa 66ers. Since the video...
Warrior Shooting Drill

Warrior Shooting Drill

This shooting drill was contributed by Joel Hueser FastModel Sports Basketball Plays and Drills Library. Coach Hueser is the Head Boys Coach at Papillion-LaVista South High School High School in Nebraska. The comments along with each diagram are from Coach Hueser. You...
3 2 3 Competitive Shooting Drill

3 2 3 Competitive Shooting Drill

This competitive shooting drill is among the thousands of resources for both coaches and player available from basketballhq. They have several more videos as well as basketball coaching resource articles. This drill is coached by Ryan Panone. I encourage you to think...
4 Team Shooting Drill

4 Team Shooting Drill

This shooting drill was contributed by Coach Fabian McKenzie to the FastModel Sports Basketball Plays and Drills Library. You can also find out more about FastModel Play Diagramming software by clicking this link: FastDraw Coach McKenzie has been a head coach at the...